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Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Dirty Secret

Today I've finally decided to discuss a dirty little secret, or not so secret as the case may be: constipation. I've been intending to write this article for some time, but it has been slow in coming. (See what I did there?)

A lot of people have this problem, but Parkinson's patients tend to be overly afflicted by it. I used to be and have a few solutions to tell you about how to deal effectively with this problem, whether or not it is due to Parkinson's.

I'm going to first discuss the basic problem, then am going to discuss the following potential solutions: The process, Diet, Supplements, Exercise, Medications, and DBS.

The Problem

One of the more common "non-motor" symptom of Parkinson's disease is constipation. I put "non-motor" in quotes, because the reality is it is a motor system even though people don't think of it in that way. Your large colon is a muscle that pushes your solid waste down and out. But, being an automatic process that we usually don't think about, we don't tend to classify it as a motor symptom. But in reality, there are motor issues at play here that Parkinson's can affect.

But it isn't merely a motor issue either. Many Parkinson's patients are missing key bacteria in their gut that help to digest food. This can result in hardened stools. Getting the gut back in shape is one key component of dealing with PD constipation.

I've also read that PD can affect the smoothness and dryness of the colon wall. This will make it harder to move stools through the colon. I recall feeling that problem as well.

The Process

Most people who have constipation push with all their might to get it out. I've since discovered that this is counterproductive. Sure, it works sometimes, but it can cause worse and worse constipation as well.

Before I knew that bit of info, I would strain to push it out. My all-time record of sitting on the toilet and trying to get it out was a little over three hours. It was grueling. I was literally crying by the time it was over with in one big explosion. That was after cramming suppositories up there and all that. I feared at the time I would end up in the emergency room because I couldn't get it to budge, no matter how hard or how many times I pushed.

The problem with pushing hard is twofold. One, it puts stress on your internal organs. That can cause its own set of problems. Problems you don't want. Two, it can pack the stool into your colon in such  a way as to exacerbate the problem.

The best process I've found is to: First, let your natural colon process take over and expel it on its own schedule. This is by far the best method and can make for the least stress on the body.

Second, if it needs a little help to get going, like when you feel the need to go, but it stops short of coming out, some moderate pushing is in order. What I've found works best is breathing deep with your stomach. That produces a natural shove and nudge of the stool. If you feel it is necessary, you can provide a moderate push at the deepest part of the breath. Nothing that will turn your face red type of pushing, just use as much as it may require.

Third, if it still doesn't come out, don't push with all your might. Sit there continuing to do deep breaths until you either expel the stool, or you are forced to give up and try again later. Whatever you do, don't push excessively in a straining manner as that will make it worse in most cases and you'll run the risk of damaging internal organs.

If after three attempts like this, it still won't come out, consider going to see a doctor.

The Diet

Your diet plays a large part in what kind of gut bacteria you have. The types of bacteria you have in your gut are largely dependent upon what you feed them. So if you eat processed foods, the bacteria you'll tend to end up with are largely those that help breakdown sugar and fats. If you eat fiber rich foods, however, your gut will grow bacteria to process those types of nutrients.

It should go without saying if you eat a lot of fat and sugar heavy types of food, like meat, cheese, eggs, most processed foods, etc., that your constipation will get worse, not better. Take cheese, for instance, It is mostly a concentrated lump of fat. Around 90% saturated fat. I know from experience when I've eaten too much cheese in the past that I've had constipation problems. That was before I had PD. All that fat can gum up the works in your colon, especially if you are already prone to constipation by PD.

The type of diet that works best at reducing constipation is one that is starch and fiber rich. That means lots of bread, vegetables, fruit, and legumes of various types and forms. If you need to eat meat or meat products, and processed foods, serve them in very small portions and only occasionally. But it is best to eliminate them altogether. The more problems you have with constipation, the more strict you need to be with eliminating those foods. A plant-based diet will do more to correct your gut bacteria than most any other method.

Additionally, it is a good idea to stay hydrated. I usually drink plenty of water and other liquids each day. I tend to always have a water bottle full of water close by.

You can gauge how well you are doing based on the frequency of your bowel movements. Healthy individuals will have around one bowel movement a day. If you go two or three days without one, know that you are building up to a constipation episode and take preventative measures as soon as possible.


"But Rick, what about fiber supplements?"

Yes, they do help. When I had constipation on a regular basis, they were one part of my routine to help stave off that problem. All by themselves, they didn't do the trick, but they helped. Now I take them more for the B12 they contain than for the fiber. At any rate, if you can get your fiber from whole foods like I've listed above, you are far better off and will not need fiber supplements. That said, even if you are getting plenty of fiber from your diet, it won't hurt to add more from a supplement.

However, the most effective supplement I ever took for this problem was Magnesium. I took around 500 mg a day, which appeared to keep my stools soft enough. The only time I needed more fire power was when I was on Amatadine because that medication had the side effect of more constipation added on top of PD. However, magnesium was my primary supplement to fight against constipation. Also, it had the added benefit of helping my nervous system operate at peak performance.

The times I had the worst constipation was the days I forgot to take my magnesium for the day. There may be other supplements that work for other people, but those are the two that worked best for me.


"Aw, do I have ta?"

Yep, if you want to address the cause rather than just the symptoms. The colon, as I mentioned above, is a muscle. PD affects muscles, and it can affect the colon. It can interrupt the smooth movement downward of a stool. As PD progresses, it makes your muscles weaker due to the tremors and any dystonia affecting the muscle. The solution to this is exercising those muscles.

This was dramatically brought home to me back in 2015. In 2014, during our trip to Hattiesburg, MS from our home (at that time) in Marble Falls, TX, I was constantly stopping to use the bathroom. My bladder muscles had grown weak enough by that point that I frequently had a hard time holding it in. I had many close calls on that trip, and at least one or two misses. My need arose without warning and usually left me little time to find a restroom.

In Feb. of 2015, I had started to exercise regularly at the YMCA doing Zumba and Pilates. By the next fall when we left for Hattisburg, I had little problem and could go for quite a while before needing the bathroom. The reason? Mostly due to Pilates, because it works the core muscles. They got stronger, and therefore my bladder had more control. As a matter of fact, several of my muscles grew stronger during that period. I had several of my symptoms reversed because of it.

"But Rick, that's dealing with the bladder, not the colon."

Yes, but they are in the same area. It was harder to gauge the constipation. However, it was in 2014 I sat on the toilet for over three hours. I never had that bad of constipation since I've started exercising regularly, even when I took Amantadine. I know that it has been one of the things that has helped my constipation issues.


There are over-the-counter and prescription medications that one can use. The problem is that they can have side-effects and complications with other medications you may be taking. Be sure to check contradictions with other medications before taking even over-the-counter medications. By far, the best methods are the above ones, but in some cases that will not be enough and you may need more powerful methods. It is a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any additional medications, even over-the-counter ones. I personally have no experience with those, as I've never had need to use them.


DBS, or Deep Brain Stimulation, can help with constipation. It generally doesn't help non-motor symptoms, but as I've indicated above, the colon is a muscle that can be affected by PD, so there is some motor issues involved, even though there are also non-motor issues. All I know is currently, over the past year since my DBS surgery, I've had near zero problem with constipation. I am also doing the plant-based diet, so I know I'm getting plenty of fiber, but I no longer take magnesium and my stools and frequency of bowel movements are quite normal.

Now, am I saying get DBS to solve your constipation problems? No, there are other ways to deal with it. However, it could be one consideration in whether to get DBS or not. And I'm not saying for sure that it will solve it for you. It depends on why you are constipated and whether DBS will affect that or not. However, if it does affect it, it is one potential side-benefit of getting DBS.

That has been my experience with constipation to date. I'm sure as this disease progresses, I will deal with it again. But for now, I've conquered it using the above methods. Maybe it will help you too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Link Between Parkinson's and Tooth Decay

I went to the Dentist today (10/3/18). To put it bluntly, my teeth are falling apart. I was told today, that I have about five teeth that are worth saving, and even those were weak. The conclusion? To extract them all out for full dentures.

That prognosis caused my wife, Lenita, to ask when I started noticing the decay accelerating. I thought back, and it appeared to happen around the time my Parkinson's symptoms started appearing. I did a quick search on "Parkinson's and Tooth Decay" and came up with a series of articles. This scholarly article seems to put a definite correlation between the two. Indeed, another article talked about a study that compared tooth decay among differing types of neurological conditions, and the PD had the worst record of good health and healthy teeth.

So, I'm just saying, if you have or get PD in the future, you may want to pay special attention to your teeth and your dental hygiene. Your doctor is probably not aware of this information as there isn't a lot of studies done on this topic. It may be too late for my teeth, but not for yours.

My problem is finding the money to get this done. Could be a couple of years or more as we struggle to get back on our feet.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Year in Review with DBS

As of last Saturday, Sept. 29, was one year since my Deep Brian Stimulation (DBS). So I figured it was a good time to review the past year in relation to getting DBS.

It was a bit scary getting wheeled into the operating room. Waving bye to my wife, wondering if something went wrong, if it would be the last I'd see her. I know she was thinking the same thing. As they wheeled me down the hallway, I remember thinking, "This is my last chance. I could hop off this gurney and say I've changed my mind." But I didn't. Obviously. But I knew going in that though most of them go without a hitch, there is that small percent of a chance of hitting the wrong spot in my brain could cause a hemorrhage, and possibly death, or I could come out of it with severe brain damage. According to the statistics, around a 5% chance of it.

Thankfully, I wasn't one of those 5%. I even didn't get any infections or rejections. Everything went as smoothly as could have been expected. I thank God for his protection and guiding the surgeon.

And being on the table, knowing and feeling the pressure of him cutting into my head, and drilling through my skull, will be experiences I'll remember forever. While I know some come out of that surgery with PTSD, I was mostly curious and was paying attention to everything that was going on around me. Even when they probably thought I was under and out. lol. I recall saying to them at one point, "Should I be awake now?" As it seemed they were preparing to do some other surgical stuff that I would be out for. I even recall them debating about what route to take with the lead on the left side of my brain. One guy suggested putting a rod on my head to check if their new system was positioning it correctly. The head surgeon rejected that idea, thankfully for me. I wasn't too keen on getting  a rod attached to my skull unnecessarily. 

Of course, the recovery was slow going. It took a full six months as I slowly regained my balance, and abilities. At first, I was pretty wobbly due to having my settings turned up too high. All you have to do is go and look at the video on this blog I took shortly after my first setting and getting turned on. I had a real problem fixing myself lunch in the kitchen. One day, after bouncing off the counters and such, I had to give up. It was exhausting.

But after around four or five sessions with my movement disorder specialist, I finally landed on a setting that seemed to "work" for me. At least, it keeps me at a level I could manage. Except for when I did Zumba. That required a lower setting that barely controls my tremors, but is low enough that I can more adequately dance and play pickleball without my legs going crazy.

But the really cool things, is despite all that I've been able to do a lot more writing than I have in a long time. Since Sept. 29 last year, I've finished two novels I started working on and had partially completed, as well as compiling and writing a non-fiction work that I've tentatively titled, "Looking into the Orthodox Church." A book for inquirers into Orthodoxy. That's all in addition to some short stories I've written.

So I've been busy working on that. Also, I started a window cleaning business which was going well while we were in Marble Falls, but now that we are here in Denver CO, we are starting all over again. I've had one potential contact, but that's it so far. But, while in Marble Falls, I was doing around 5 to 7 jobs a month in addition to other jobs, like pressure washing driveways. And it was growing. Hopefully it will grow here too, once I start getting some clients.

Additionally, as several of you know, I will soon start my job at the YMCA here in Denver as a Zumba instructor. I've been patiently waiting for this to happen. Though it is nearing a full month since coming here. Long process, apparently. Anyway, I look forward to that. Not only for getting going in it, but we need the income!

So, I've been asked over and over again whether I would have done DBS knowing what I know now. And my answer has always been "YES!" Though there has been some difficulties here and there with it, the life it has restored in me is well worth it. Someday, my disease will progress to the point DBS is no longer effective, but my hope is with a good diet (as I talked about last post) and plenty of cardio exercise (which I'll be getting plenty of as a Zumba instructor), I can slow the progression down to the point where that will not happen for a few more years.

Stay tuned to this blog to find out what happens to me in the next few years.

BTW, I'm planning on doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this November. First one I've done since 2010 I believe, 8 years ago. check out my writing blog for more news of that.