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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What Is Parkinson's?

Howdy, folks!

Just wanted to make a quick note to my family and friends concerning the start of my new Parkinson's Channel, PD Man Rick! I'm throwing an online party, complete with popcorn and drinks. Ehum, At least, on my end! lol.

Seriously, though, I am doing a premier on my opening show, titled "What Is Parkinson's?" It is scheduled to go live at 6:00 pm on Friday, Nov. 8th. If you want to be able to chat with me and others, watch my first episode with me as it goes live, and ask whatever questions that comes to you mind, I would love to have as many of you there as possible.

To be reminded of the event shortly before it goes live, go the link below and hit the "Reminder" button. While you're doing that, you might as well click on the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can keep up with my weekly attempts to educate (and hopefully, in as much as it is possible for a guy with PD, to entertain you as well). Thank you for all your support.

Remember, even if you don't subscribe to that channel, you'll get updates on how I'm doing here on this blog. Likewise, even if you don't intend to subscribe to the new channel, I would like you to come join my "channel opening party/premier" and spend some time. Also, if you know of anyone who may be suffering with this disease, pass this info onto them so that they might benefit from the information I'm planning on putting out into the future. I look forward to exploring the various issues and developments of Parkinson's Disease with everyone who comes along for the ride.

Now, don't make me have to post something strange, like Flat Earth stuff, or Flat Earth debunking. "What?" you say. "What does that have to do with Parkinson's?" About as much as it has to do with anything. LOL!

Here's the link to visit my chat/party/premier page:

Hope to see some of you on the 8th at 6 pm. Until then, this is Rick Copple, signing off.